. Tuesday, 5 October 2021 .
Hello.It's been a while since I've posted my list of favourites of the month. So here it is!:Favourite songs of the month.DAY6 (Even Of Day) - Right Through MeAKMU - Nakka (feat IU)Red Velvet - QueendomHonourable mentions:CHEEZE - Daydream (She Would Never Know OST)Baek A Yeon - 0%STAYC - StereotypeSeori - Dive With You (feat eaJ)Young K - Guard YouFavourite drama of the month.The Rational

. Sunday, 19 September 2021 .
Note: This post has been kept in my draft for more than 3 years, and after several times of editing — I think it's time to let my thoughts out to the world.---People do fall in love at first sight.Be honest, the first thing we noticed about someone is their looks."But I don't fall for their looks, I love them for their personalities." Yes, visuals are subjective. But let's say you

. Wednesday, 7 July 2021 .
Hello.How's everybody doing? I hope you had a good month—because it wasn't for me. My schedules are pretty hectic these days. And since our programme doesn't have final exams, we, as usual, are bombarded with tons of assignments and deadlines until the end of the month. I'm feeling a bit lethargic, stressed out, and is going through questionable thoughts and episodes from time to time. Anyways,