Dear love, happy birthday.

. Tuesday, 19 December 2017 .

It's been almost a year since I first saw you. And even until now, I feel sorry for being so late. I should've checked you out when you first debuted (I knew that you've debuted though), but being me who only has her eyes on one group at that time, it's hard for me to open up to a new groupespecially a band.

But when I saw you, God, I felt regret for not recognizing you any earlier. Likehow could I missed this talented manand the whole group itself for almost two years? This is the one that I've been looking for my entire life. The music itself, the lyrics, everything. It was all that I've ever wanted.

You debuted in a band who had hardly received recognition from the public as well as the fandoms due to not formally introduced by the music broadcasts, but instead, you've been going around doing busking and concerts for over a year, gaining fans slowly and proceeded by being a permanent guest on a radio show. You presented with songs and covers almost every week to months and you've got nothing but praises and compliments every time you did themuntil it earned you a title:

The band who you can trust and listen to, the growing bandDAY6.

You were on the verge of breaking down, as you couldn't barely see yourself in the upcoming years. But you chose not to give up, in fact, this has made you and the guys to strive harder, to do better. You've been constantly growing for the past two years, starting from formally doing music shows on your first comeback, releasing two studio albums compiling songs that you've released every month in 2017 as well as going to places and events to perform and growing fandom.

It's been a tough year, right? Composing and writing lyrics for at least two songs and releasing them every month. You've been constantly challenging yourself every time you write. It must've been hard for you, to work under pressurebut amazingly, you've done a very good job until the end. Even perfectly―if I must say.

You've been through so much―even from the start. From your guitar role being taken away (I still love your bass role though) to changing your part from dancing (and rap) to vocalsyour consideration is something I've never thought I could do if I were you. You are that amazing. I love how strong you are, and when you care for others instead of yourself. But it's time for you to take care more of yourself, hun. You've been giving away too much that you didn't even have some left to yourself. I want you to be happy, love.

To the one who lits up my world; you, Kang Younghyun, are one of the most amazing people I've ever met. I'm sorry for not being there when things were rough. I'm sorry that I couldn't protect you, for not being there with you and the guys from the start. Thank you, for loving us, for not giving up. Thank you for being there when I needed someone, and for being a part of my life.

Happy 25th birthday, love. I love you.

It's been almost a year since I first saw you. And even until now, I feel sorry for being so late. I should've checked you out when you first debuted (I knew that you've debuted though), but being me who only has her eyes on one group at that time, it's hard for me to open up to a new groupespecially a band.

But when I saw you, God, I felt regret for not recognizing you any earlier. Likehow could I missed this talented manand the whole group itself for almost two years? This is the one that I've been looking for my entire life. The music itself, the lyrics, everything. It was all that I've ever wanted.

You debuted in a band who had hardly received recognition from the public as well as the fandoms due to not formally introduced by the music broadcasts, but instead, you've been going around doing busking and concerts for over a year, gaining fans slowly and proceeded by being a permanent guest on a radio show. You presented with songs and covers almost every week to months and you've got nothing but praises and compliments every time you did themuntil it earned you a title:

The band who you can trust and listen to, the growing bandDAY6.

You were on the verge of breaking down, as you couldn't barely see yourself in the upcoming years. But you chose not to give up, in fact, this has made you and the guys to strive harder, to do better. You've been constantly growing for the past two years, starting from formally doing music shows on your first comeback, releasing two studio albums compiling songs that you've released every month in 2017 as well as going to places and events to perform and growing fandom.

It's been a tough year, right? Composing and writing lyrics for at least two songs and releasing them every month. You've been constantly challenging yourself every time you write. It must've been hard for you, to work under pressurebut amazingly, you've done a very good job until the end. Even perfectly―if I must say.

You've been through so much―even from the start. From your guitar role being taken away (I still love your bass role though) to changing your part from dancing (and rap) to vocalsyour consideration is something I've never thought I could do if I were you. You are that amazing. I love how strong you are, and when you care for others instead of yourself. But it's time for you to take care more of yourself, hun. You've been giving away too much that you didn't even have some left to yourself. I want you to be happy, love.

To the one who lits up my world; you, Kang Younghyun, are one of the most amazing people I've ever met. I'm sorry for not being there when things were rough. I'm sorry that I couldn't protect you, for not being there with you and the guys from the start. Thank you, for loving us, for not giving up. Thank you for being there when I needed someone, and for being a part of my life.

Happy 25th birthday, love. I love you.

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